Work started on the Form 2 on KRO. Rob, Jon & Dennis worked on the forward part of the aircraft whilst Mark Tyler & Anthony Smith looked at the tail skid damage from last weekend.
The rear seat has been removed, the release removed, the broken rear brake cable removed. Both sets of ailerons have been removed, inspected and the bearings cleaned and regreased and reinstalled. Nothing has been done with airbrakes yet.
Jon & Rob looked at the radio electrics. There seems to be an abnormally high voltage drop between battery & panel. We may be replacing some of the wiring next week.
The aircraft is still rigged as there wasn’t enough manpower to derig it in the confines of the hanger. The front seat still needs to be removed for underfloor inspection. Harnesses have been removed and can be cleaned.
Also, Andrew Chircop put in a big effort on Saturday to get more work done on the winch, which was finished on Sunday so the winch is now ready to go.
Cath Conway was also up on Saturday working through the Motorfalke’s Form 2.
Dennis Medlow did some more slashing on Sunday afternoon.