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Flying Sunday 30 August 2009

Quite a pleasant day with 10-12 kts of wind from W-SW. We operated KRO from runway 21 and BVGC were up to work on the Blanik annual inspection. Anthony & Dennis found some wave-like lift over the church area on their first flight, just enough to keep you up but not enough to climb in. Mid afternoon the sun made a brief appearance and some thermal lift was encountered. Georgia was practicing circuits and demonstrated how to do excellent landings. Anthony and Justine flew GZQ for some extended circuits before towing FQW fuse back to Adelaide.

The BVGC folks borrowed KRO to do some flying as the Blanik was out of action. Light rain and rainbows came in just as we were packing up and some of the BVGC folk demonstrated how to leave the ground without an aircraft using a very big kite.

Many thanks to Mark Tyler for once again providing excellent service on the winch.