Derek Spencer flew the Twin on aerotow to the Flinders and back. Whilst people might think that it would be an easy thing to do, it was far from that.
When Derek arrived in the K13 on Saturday morning, there were signs of wave at 9000′ directly over the middle of the pound and there was 2-3 knots at 5000′ just south of the road to Wilpena.
Both Saturday and Sunday were flyable. Conditions were interesting, generally thermic, with the ridge producing lift at various times. Small CUs marked thermals all weekend which was helpful. Pilots were able to get over the Pound and still find lift. The inside faces of the peaks were picking up the sun and generating thermals in an area where you’d normally find a whole bucket load of sink off the back of the ridge lift. The Chase range was also popping thermals off the top meaning you could actually explore around a bit to see what you could find.
There were a number of people that helped in organizing the camp and we thank them all, in particular, a BIG THANKS go to Leigh Stokes for doing a lot of the organization, coordination of vehicles/towing and ringing people to ensure things were good to go.