Sunday dawned and there was a fresh start on the winch motor. The Carby was swapped again and the manifold was bolted on. Meanwhile all the fuel lines were replaced and suddenly the motor was ready to go in! Everything seemed to be going straight forward with the most frustrating step of getting the input shaft to line up with the clutch. After a lot of swearing, wiggling, lifting, lowering, rotating and more swearing we decided that it was going to be easier to take the motor back out, remove the gearbox and bolt them up that way.
The gearbox was removed easily enough, and the process started again, although slightly easier to move a gearbox than a motor! After a short while of getting nowhere, Jon Keatley and his team decided that perhaps they needed to check that the splines on the input shaft matched the new clutch…turns out, they didn’t. So out of the three clutches we had to choose from (the old, slipping one from the winch; the one that came with the new motor and the brand new one), the only one that fit on the input shaft was the only one that was already slipping.
Our options from here were to put the already stuffed clutch back in or leave it all out, no surprises that it was all left out.
So, the old clutch was brought back to Adelaide and will be taken to ACS first thing tomorrow morning and swapped for a clutch that is the same but guaranteed to fit!
On a more positive note, the major service was completed on the winch motor except for the timing chain and front and rear main seals.