Saturday began with a lazy start around 2pm with Derek, Hugh and Rob arriving on field to continue the work on KRO’s Form 2.
Work began with continuing the removal of the interior trim of the aircraft by Derek. Hugh and Rob stripped the wiring supplying the power from the rear of the aircraft. After several hours, Derek and Hugh had successfully removed the majority of the interior having KRO now resembling a far more empty shell.
The battery feed wiring has now been renewed and beefed up a little in size with a new master switch and lengthened wiring off the battery to reduce the severity of the curve the harness needs to make when plugged into the socket. All solder joints have been reflowed. Derek also noticed that the rear speaker wire was grounded to earth through a damaged wire, which has been moved off of the airframe but still needs to be insulated. As a result the voltage drop over the circuit when transmitting has reduced to a far more acceptable .08 volts or something like that down from somewhere in the region of 1.4 volts- should hopefully make a difference!
A suitable conclusion to Saturday was a bonfire.