Monday dawned bright and clear. The cloud had disappeared and the wind had swung around from the east. We went out and DIed the Falke and the Pik and waited for the Victorians to show up. Bernard Eckey came out and flew his electric model plane and demonstrated to David how you could fly one without making its internals self-eject (like David’s plane did the preceding day). Derek took Claudia in the MotorFalke for a flight over to the main range to show her Mt. Kosciuszko and buzz some innocent hikers. Redmond was called upon to rescue Bernard Eckey’s car & trailer from the bog at the southern end of the field (he finally got to use his winch!) Redmond then waited for the conditions to improve before bringing out the Pik. The day however did not oblige with minimal thermals around and only to 4,000′. Dennis took the MotorFalke back to the main range again to find Mt. Kosciuszko which was located after a brief search (see pic).
We then decided that enough aviating had been committed for the day and headed off to Victoria for a BBQ dinner on the banks of a fast flowing, very clean Murray River (see pic) complete with wine, strawberries and chocolate for dessert.