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Hangar Erection 21 & 22 August 2010

After a late start from everyone except Redmond, we managed to get the 2nd side of pillars up and start on the roof beams. The first one took ages, but once we had worked out a good way of doing it, it was much easier.  There were 3 frames to go up on Sunday.

The AEF’s never showed up which was a blessing really.  Thanks go to Redmond, Mark, Greg, Sam, Anne, John and Tom. It was a constructive day, and nice to see progress being made.

Sunday fell over when 7 AEF’s turned up so we ran a flying operation. Unfortunately we didn’t have enough people and resources to work on the hangar as well.  Igor came up to work on the hangar and got sidetracked into driving the winch all day.  Since we had not succeeded in getting the new front engine to run we towed cables out all day.  Igor worked on the front engine between launches and by the end of the day the winch was once more mobile.  It still needs a tune up.

After the AEF’s were complete Sam, Igor and Redmond got in a short period of work on the hangar at the end of the day.  They installed a few more purlins near the crest of the roof and secured the structure until we can get back to it.

We would like to thank all who helped with our hangar project over the weekend.  We would also like to thank Igor for patiently fault finding the winch problem!