Sunday started a bit blustery with winds 15-20 kts straight down runway 23. There were a number of trainees, annual checks and AEFs to fly so KRO and the Motorfalke were used. There was thermal lift to ~6000′ coupled with heavy sink so the trainees had a combination of soaring and very short circuits. The winds were stronger at altitude, 40 knots plus, so final approaches were often high and steep. The strong wind created strong thermal streets topped with nice dark Cu but the day cycled rapidly so they came and went regularly. As thermals developed the wind speed on the ground dropped to around 10 knots.
Ops continued until about 1930 when the lift kind of stopped and everything was packed away. All the AEFs had been flown, all the checks completed and multiple flights for all trainees.
Excellent winch driving was being done by our newer winch drivers and the entire crew is to be congratulated on excellent aircraft handling in the conditions.