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Flying Saturday 9 January 2010

It was extremely hot. Most of the morning was spent sorting out aircraft. WVA was rigged and KRO had it’s tyre changed. Operatiosn started in the early afternoon. All three trainees, Jun Cao, Steven Tanoto and Hugh Round, got a flight of around 1 hour. It pretty much consisted of launching, taking one thermal to 10,000’ and doing flying exercises all the way back down without taking another thermal and landing. Redmond took WVA for 2 hours and 40 mins.

A special mention and thanks needs to go to Richard Berry who came up to the airfield and got his winch rating and did all the launches on the day.

The fire trailer was out at launch point and used several times during the afternoon to give everyone a good soaking to keep us cool.

During the day, it was noticed that the inner, rear tyre on the LHS of the winch was flat, so while everyone waited for Redmond to land, they all changed the winch tyre.

If the trace can be extracted from the FLARM in WVA, then Redmond will be in the running to claim the January trophy, so get out there and go cross-country and claim the trophy for yourself.