A bit of a windy day as a front was approaching from the west. However credit is due to everyone on field as we made sure we operated safely in the higher winds. There were spectacular wave clouds all over the sky at different angles during the day.
Launches were excellent as was expected and despite the winds some long training flights were achieved. BVGC also had their MarieAnne out. Flight of the day was 74 minutes for the K-13 with Redmond & Teal.
We packed up a little early at abpout 1620 after Redmond finished showing off in the K-13. We then enjoyed a BBQ and bonfire with Derek giving some lessons in advanced ballistics to our younger members.
Congratulations to Leigh Stokes for achieving his back-seat endorsement, James McNeill for achieving his Flight Radio-Telephone Operators endorsement, Leigh and Peter Conway who both converted to the LS4 on the Sunday (the first single seater for both of them) and Leigh who has now completed his A, B and C Certificates.