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Flying Saturday 19 August 2017

Saturday was the pick of the days for flying. Just about everything that could go XC, went XC.

The Janus had it’s first XC with AUGC and it went well. Nicola Lieff did all the flying whilst on task and achieved 160km @ 91 km/h (Waikerie – Morgan – return). Best thermal was just over 7.5kts on average but most were 4.5 to 5 kts with thermals topping out at about 6000′. The ASW20 (OTN – Leigh) did around 200km (Burra – Blanchetown – return). The Standard Libelle (GTX – Nick Gilbert) did 150km or so (Waikerie – return). The Open Cirrus (ZXV – Heath L’Estrange) did 150km or so as well (Waikerie – return). The Ventus 2cxt (KRJ – Cath Conway) did ~60km after launching at 4:00pm and still found some thermals going up at 3 kts!

A fantastic fun day.