The weather on Saturday was not a soaring day at all. There were some bumps around later in the afternoon when the sun finally made an appearance but it was only a brief appearance before a nearby thunderstorm threatened with rain and other potentially nasty conditions (like lightning).
As soaring was not on the agenda, Derek Spencer decided he would put Darren Alcoe through the ringer with launch failures with real and simulated failures; flights without instruments and stuffed up circuits. After convincing Derek he was up to the task, Derek sent him for his first solo flight. Congratulations to Darren for going solo on Saturday. Well Done.
As Derek was still in the mood for launch failures, stuffed up circuits and flights without instruments, Ben Carter got a dose of it as well but unfortunately he is still only 14 y.o. Not long to go until he is 15 though!
Thanks to Kym Carter for helping out and driving the winch and Barron Von Wessem for helping out with running the launch point.