We arrived to an airfield covered in grass, and the not too occasional pool of water. Whilst the winch wheel bearing was being repaired, a mini-working bee was convened with Teal and Richard cleaning out the fire pit and pie cart whilst Redmond Quinn attempted to roll the airfield flat with a large noisy tube of steel.
Leigh, David and Derek Spencer attacked the recalcitrant winch wheel bearing which disintegrated and fortunately was able to be extracted from the shaft. David ‘lubed up’ like a true Scot (in blue) and installed the new bearing which Leigh and Derek then encased with a brake drum and finally a wheel. The winch then proceeded to roll like it should, although we only managed four launches before the threatening rail ceased threatening and started raining so the aircraft had to be put away.
Further work was then done preparing for the Flinders weekend by filling a drum of fuel ready to be towed up.