AUGC members and Alumni were honoured at the SA Gliding Assoc AGM with the following trophies:
- Kevin Sedgeman State Trophy for the best 3 cross country flights of the season – Leigh Stokes with 1782.8 points
- News & Mail Trophy for the best performance of the season – Leigh Stokes for an 18,400′ height gain from a winch launch at Stoefield on 3 October 2016
- South Australia Jubilee 150 Advertiser Trophy for the best SA pilot at the National Competitions – Peter Temple for winning the National Sports Class Competition at Waikerie on 19 November 2016
- Fred’s Finial for the best flight (on handicap) in a “rag and tube” glider – Derek Spencer for 543km in the Motorfalke on 6 January 2017
- SAGA Winter Trophy for the longest distance flight on handicap during the winter season – Leigh Stokes for 311.5km on 26 May 2017 from Stonefield