The following awards were presented at the 2016 Annual Dinner on 30 November 2016:
Winch engineers award– Derek Spencer for solving the biggest cable tangle in the history of winch ops anywhere ever.
Wildlife award – Leigh Stokes for the unfortunate wombat encounter on the road out of Stonefield.
Creative Rim award – Sharon and Redmond Quinn for having the PIK trailer wheel and hub part company on the way back from Khancoban 2015.
Can’t keep it up award – Derek Spencer for running home from the ridge on a nice wave day at the Flinders 2016.
Keeping it up award – the AUGC airworthiness team for the incredible amount of time put in to getting/keeping the fleet airworthy this year.
Wheels up award – the AUGC as a whole, for suffering total trailer park carnage during severe weather and not learning from previous experiences.
Harley award for the most meritorious XC – Derek Spencer for being the first one game enough to go XC one of the Ka8’s
Duncan award for most improved pilot – Ben Carter for solid effort, improvement and safe operation over the last year.